World Languages
Amanda Romjue, Chair
Mary Bell Boltwood, Chair
Oleski Miranda Navarro
Degrees and Certificates
Hispanic Studies, B.A. -
Spanish - Teacher Preparation, B.A. -
Spanish, Minor -
World Language other than Spanish, Minor
CHIN 101: Beginning Chinese I
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of Chinese language regions and countries; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures.
CHIN 102: Beginning Chinese II
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of Chinese language regions and countries; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures.
CHIN 101
CHIN 201: Intermediate Chinese I
Integrated grammar review, diverse selection of readings, and practice in speaking and writing. Class conducted in Chinese language.
CHIN 102
CHIN 202: Intermediate Chinese II
Integrated grammar review, diverse selection of readings, and practice in speaking and writing. Class conducted in Chinese language.
CHIN 201
CHIN 330: Study Abroad Program
Travel and study abroad in a program approved by the department.
Two semesters of college language study.
CHIN 331: Study Abroad Program
Travel and study abroad in a program approved by the department.
Two semesters of college language study.
CHIN 350: Special Topics in Chinese
Advanced grammar, conversation, and writing. Different topics, such as business, civilization, and literature, are offered for further development of reading and writing skills. Class conducted in Chinese language. May be repeated for credit.
CHIN 201
FRCH 101: Beginning French I
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of Francophone people; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures. Three lecture hours and eighty minutes language laboratory. No prerequisite for 101. Passing grade in 101 or result of Language Placement Test is prerequisite to 102.
FRCH 102: Beginning French II
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of francophone people; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures. Three lecture hours and eighty minutes language laboratory.
FRCH 101 or language placement test.
FRCH 201: French Gammar
Intensive review of grammar and vocabulary, based on communicative approach to language learning.
FRCH 102 or language placement test.
FRCH 202A: Intermediate Conversation/Composition
Study of French composition with topics selected from everyday events and readings in French. This course also train students to develop natural patterns of speech through studies of vocabulary and usage of everyday conversation.
FRCH 201
FRCH 300: French Civilization
Introduction to French history, civilization, culture, and fine arts.
FRCH 201
FRCH 301A: Issues in France & Francophone Regions
Advanced-level conversation and readings, based on discussion of current social and political issues affecting French-speaking communities in the world.
FRCH 201
FRCH 302A: Literature Survey I
Study of French literature from Middle Ages to 18th Century.
C or higher in FRCH 201, instructor permission.
FRCH 303A: Literature Survey II
Study of French literature from 19th Century to present.
C or higher in FRCH 201, or instructor permission.
FRCH 304A: Literature Survey III
Study of literature of Francophone regions and countries in the world.
C or higher in FRCH 201, or instructor permission.
FRCH 305: Advanced Business French
Provides advanced training in the acquisition and application of business skills from an applied language vantage point.
FRCH 201 or instructor permission.
FRCH 330: Study-Abroad Program
Travel and study abroad in a program approved by the department.
Two semesters of college language study.
FRCH 331: Study-Abroad Program
Travel and study abroad in a program approved by the department.
Two semesters of college language study.
FRCH 350: Special Topics
Discussion and study of selected topics in French language and literature with emphasis on the interests of students.
Two years of language study or instructor permission.
FRCH 402: Advanced Conversation Gramm & Comp
Designed to increase facility in using French.
Junior status and C or higher in FRCH 201, or instructor permission.
FRCH 450: French Senior Seminar
Completion of a project in which the student demonstrates his or her command of written and spoken French. Project must include aspect(s) of French and/or Francophone cultures and will be undertaken in consultation with the department.
FRCH 460: Independent Study
Advanced directed study in a specific area.
Junior or senior status; departmental permission.
FRCH 470: Internship I
Work experience related to the student's major, jointly supervised by the department and a professional in the field. Although the usual internship will carry either three or six hours credit, a student may elect to arrange an internship carrying between two and six hours credit with the permission of the department. Each hour of credit will require forty hours at the internship site.
Junior or senior status, departmental permission, and completion of appropriate coursework.
FRCH 471: Internship II
Work experience related to the student's major, jointly supervised by the department and a professional in the field. Although the usual internship will carry either three or six hours credit, a student may elect to arrange an internship carrying between two and six hours credit with the permission of the department. Each hour of credit will require forty hours at the internship site.
Junior or senior status, departmental permission, and completion of appropriate coursework.
FRCH 480: Senior Project in French
Increase students' knowledge of a Francophone country or region in their particular field of interest.
French Language major with senior status or departmental permission.
FRCH 490: Honors Thesis I
Independent research in a special topic for honors.
Senior status, GPA of 3.0, or higher.
FRCH 491: Honors Thesis II
Independent research in a special topic for honors.
Senior status, GPA of 3.0, or higher.
GREK 101: Beginning Greek I
Basic Koiné Greek grammar and vocabulary, and translation from the New Testament.
GREK 102: Beginning Greek II
Basic Koiné Greek grammar and vocabulary, and translation from the New Testament.
GREK 101
GREK 205: The Gospels
Translation of selected passages from New Testament gospels, developing vocabulary, grammar, and interpretive ability.
GREK 102
GREK 301: Letters of Paul
Translation and interpretation of representative passages from Paul's writings.
GREK 102
GREK 350: Special Topics
Discussion and study of selected topics in Greek language and literature with emphasis on the interests of students.
Two years of language study or instructor permission.
GREK 433X: Paul
Exploration of Paul’s life, writings, and influence on the Christian Church.
Instructor permission
GRMN 101: Beginning German I
Oral and written drill and mastery of minimum vocabulary.
GRMN 102: Beginning German II
Oral and written drill and mastery of minimum vocabulary.
GRMN 101
GRMN 201: Intermediate German
Selected readings and review of grammar and vocabulary.
GRMN 102 or language placement test.
GRMN 202: German Prose II
Selected readings and review of grammar and vocabulary.
FRCH 202 or language placement test.
GRMN 350: Special Topics
Discussion and study of selected topics in German language and literature with emphasis on the interests of students.
Two years of language study or instructor permission.
LANG 101: Beginning Language I
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of target language regions and countries; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures.
LANG 102: Beginning Language II
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of target language regions and countries; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures.
Passing grade in LANG 101 or Language Placement Test.
LANG 201: Intermediate Language I
Integrated grammar review, diverse selection of readings, and practice in speaking and writing. Class conducted in the language taught.
LANG 102
LANG 202: Intermediate Language II
Integrated grammar review, diverse selection of readings, and practice in speaking and writing. Class conducted in the language taught.
LANG 102
LANG 203: Conversation
Training to develop natural patterns of speech. Vocabulary and usage of everyday conversation.
LANG 102
LANG 300: Conversation
LANG 350: Advanced Language
Advanced grammar, conversation, and writing. Different topics, such as business, civilization, and literature, offered for further development of reading and writing skills. Class conducted in the language taught. May be repeated for credit.
LANG 201
LANG 402: Advanced Composition
Designed to increase facility in using the language.
Junior status and at least one 300-level course in the respective language.
LANG 460: Independent Study
Independent research under faculty supervision.
Senior status or instructor permission; permission of program director.
LATN 101: Beginning Latin I
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and reading of Latin Language; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures.
LATN 102: Beginning Latin II
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and reading of Latin Language; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures.
Passing grade in LATN 101 or Language Placement Test.
LATN 201: Intermediate Latin I
Integrated grammar review, diverse selection of reading, and practice in speaking and writing. Class conducted in Latin language.
LATN 102
LATN 202: Intermediate Latin II
Integrated grammar review, diverse selection of reading, and practice in speaking and writing. Class conducted in Latin language.
LATN 201
LATN 330: Study Abroad Program
Travel and study abroad in a program approved by the department.
Two semesters of college language study.
LATN 331: Study Abroad Program
Travel and study abroad in a program approved by the department.
Two semesters of college language study.
LATN 350: Special Topic
Advanced grammar, conversation, and writing. Different topics, such as business, civilization, and literature, offered for further development of reading and writing skills. Class conducted in Latin language. May be repeated for credit.
LATN 201
PORT 101: Portuguese 101
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of Portuguese-speaking people; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures. Three lecture hours and eighty minutes language laboratory.
PORT 102: Portuguese 102
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of Portuguese-speaking people; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures. Three lecture hours and eighty-minute laboratory.
PORT 101
SPAN 101: Beginning Spanish I
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of Spanish-speaking people; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures. Three lecture hours and eighty minutes language laboratory.
SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish II
Introduction to study of pronunciation, communication, and culture of Spanish-speaking people; introduction to vocabulary and basic grammar structures. Three lecture hours and eighty minutes language laboratory.
Passing grade in SPAN 101 or Language Placement Test.
SPAN 105: Medical & Healthcare Spanish I
An introductory study of Spanish related to health professions and focused on medical terminology, basic grammar, and cross-cultural competence. Students will gain familiarity with basic written and oral expressions to better serve the growing population of Spanish-speaking patients and personnel in a variety of settings. Completion of both SPAN 105 and SPAN 106 satisfies the two-semester language requirement. These courses are designed for beginning Spanish students only.
SPAN 106: Medical & Healthcare Spanish II
An introductory study of Spanish related to health processions and focused on medical terminology, basic grammar, and cross-cultural competence. Students will gain familiarity with basic written and oral expressions to better serve the growing population of Spanish-speaking patients and personnel in a variety of settings. Completion of both SPAN 105 and SPAN 106 satisfies the two-semester language requirement. These courses are designed for beginning Spanish students only.
SPAN 105
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I
Continuation of study of pronunciation, grammar, and communication in everyday situations, with emphasis on reading and writing.
SPAN 102 or Language Placement Test.
SPAN 202A: Communication in the Hispanic World
Spanish 202A is an intermediate course, and it is designed to train students in written and oral skills in culture and civilization of the Hispanic world. This is a required course for Hispanic Studies majors and minors.
SPAN 201 or instructor permission.
SPAN 203A: Spanish for Professionals
This is a course designed for intermediate level Spanish students who wish to broaden their vocabulary skills in different areas, such as Medical Care, Business, Civic Engagement, Social Justice, etc.
SPAN 202A or instructor permission.
SPAN 301: Advanced Grammar & Expressions of Culture
Advanced study enabling students to fine-tune points of grammar and communicative skills. Through compositions and presentations in class we will analyse artifacts that represents Culture and Civilization in the Hispanic World.
SPAN 202A or instructor permission.
SPAN 302A: Intro to Hispanic Literature & Film
This course focuses on the critical reading and interpretation of visual and written texts from the Hispanic world. We will analyze a variety of genres, periods, and styles from Latin America, Spain, and the United States.
SPAN 301 or instructor permission.
SPAN 305: Advanced Business Spanish
Provides advanced training in the acquisition and application of business skills from an applied language vantage point.
SPAN 201 or instructor permission.
SPAN 310: Spanish Service Practicum
Community service in Spanish translation, tutoring, and after-school programs. One lecture hour and four hours of on-site service.
SPAN 201 and instructor permission.
SPAN 330: Study Abroad Program
Travel and study abroad in a program approved by the department.
Two semesters of college language study.
SPAN 331: Study Abroad Program
Travel and study abroad in a program approved by the department.
Two semesters of college language study.
SPAN 350: Special Topics
Discussion and study of selected topics in Spanish language and literature with emphasis on the interests of students.
Two years of language study or instructor permission.
SPAN 401ST: Special Topics
Possible titles for this course: Humor and Horror in Hispanic Arts; Literary routes in Hispanic Regions; Visions of Nature and Modernity in Hispanic traditions; Traveling Latin-America; Leaving the country, Living in the City; Hispanic Women Writers.
SPAN 402ST: Special Topics
Possible titles for this course: Love & Violence in Hispanic Artifacts; Don Quixote and His Bastard Family (Literature and Film); War & Ghost in Contemporary Hispanic Fiction; Diaspora and Identity. A Hispanic Glance; Trans-Atlantic Approaches to Hispanic Studies; Crimes and Confessions in Hispanic Fiction.
SPAN 407: Teacher Preparation
This course will prepare students in the Teacher Preparation track. The course includes pedagogy related to the skills necessary to teach a foreign language.
SPAN 302A or instructor permission.
SPAN 450: Senior Seminar
Completion of a project in which the student demonstrates his or her command of written and spoken Spanish. Project must include aspect(s) of Spanish and/or Latin American culture and will be undertaken in consultation with the department.
SPAN 460: Independent Study
Completion of a project in which the student demonstrates his or her command of written and spoken Spanish. Project must include aspect(s) of Spanish and/or Latin American culture and will be undertaken in consultation with the department.
SPAN 470: Internship I
Work experience related to the student's major, jointly supervised by the department and a professional in the field. Although the usual internship will carry either three or six hours credit, a student may elect to arrange an internship carrying between two and six hours credit with the permission of the department. Each hour of credit will require forty hours at the internship site.
Junior or senior status, Departmental permission, and completion of appropriate coursework.
SPAN 471: Internship II
Work experience related to the student's major, jointly supervised by the department and a professional in the field. Although the usual internship will carry either three or six hours credit, a student may elect to arrange an internship carrying between two and six hours credit with the permission of the department. Each hour of credit will require forty hours at the internship site.
Junior or senior status, Departmental permission, and completion of appropriate coursework.
SPAN 480: Senior Project in Spanish
Increase students' knowledge of a Spanish-speaking country or region in their particular field of interest.
Spanish Language major with senior status or departmental permission.
SPAN 490: Honors Thesis I
Independent research in a special topic for honors.
Senior status, GPA of 3.0 or higher.
SPAN 491: Honors Thesis II
Independent research in a special topic for honors.
Senior status, GPA of 3.0 or higher.