Military Science Program

ETSU, Department of Military Science P.O. Box 70648
Johnson City, TN 37614
Phone: (423) 439-4269

Web Address:

E&H Professors

Col (ret) Charlie Quillin
SGM (ret) Mike Swartz

The military science program is a cooperative enterprise between E&H, ETSU, and the United States Army. The program is designed to develop the students’ managerial and leadership abilities, introduce students to the mission and organization of the United States Army and prepare advanced-course students for service as commissioned officers in the Active Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard.


An academic major in military science is not offered at E&H. However, an academic minor (18 credit hours) may be offered and completion of the program qualifies the student for a commission in the US Army as a Second Lieutenant.
Course Credit

Students interested in participating in the advanced phase may receive basic phase credit for having prior active or reserve component military service, three years of junior ROTC at the high school level, or for completion of ROTC Leaders Training Course (LTC).

ROTC Basic Course

Any student may enroll without obligation in the Department of Military Science's Basic Course Classes. Those classes listed as 1200- and 2100-series classes are considered part of the Basic Course of military science. Students desiring to enter the Advanced Course of the ROTC program through the four-year program must complete all four Basic Course Classes. In certain cases, the professor of Military Science may waive one of these class requirements.
The basic phase is designed to introduce the United States Army as an institution, the military as a profession, and to impart to all students basic leadership skills which can be used in a civilian environment as well as in the military. The basic phase includes both formal classroom instruction and field practice periods. Subject matter deals with the organization and history of the United States Army, the dynamics ofleadership and management, military skills, and mountaineering.

ROTC Advanced Course

Advanced military science Cadets continue their studies in leadership and tactics with the scope of instruction expanded to include subjects such as military law, battle simulations, group dynamics, organizational management, and decision making. Advanced course contract students receive $420 per month up to a maximum of 20 months (equivalent to two academic years) and an appointment upon graduation as a Second Lieutenant. Contracted students incur a military obligation to the Active Army, the Reserve, or the National Guard. This obligation can consist of as little as three months active duty, with the remainder spent on Reserve, or National Guard status. Students who prefer Reserve or National Guard duty may be guaranteed that they will not be assigned to active duty except for the short period needed to complete a branch basic officer course (three- to six-months depending on the branch selected). Students interested in enrolling as a contract Cadet must contact the Department of Military Science for specific program requirements, guarantees, benefits, and military information.

Leader Development and Assessment Course

Advanced course (LDAC) cadets are required to attend the four-week Leader Development and Assessment course at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, upon completion of the junior year of military science. LDAC attendance is a prerequisite to commissioning but may be delayed until completion of the senior year with the approval of the United States Army and the professor of Military Science at ETSU.

Course Sequence Requirements

To receive a commission in the United States Army through the military science program, a student must successfully complete 14 credits of courses at the basic level (1200 or 2100 courses), 19 credits at the advanced level (3100 or 4100 courses) and ROTC Advanced Camp (6 credits). Equivalency credit may be given for the basic level courses for those Cadets who are (1) veterans, (2) graduates of junior ROTC programs, or (3) graduates of the ROTC Leaders Training Course.

The following sequence will be utilized to obtain a commission as a Second Lieutenant.

The Chair of the Department of Military Science may make exceptions to this policy under unusual circumstances.

Degrees and Certificates


MSCI 1181: Tactical Leadership

Semester Hours 1.0

Practical application of leadership skills and an introduction to military drills and ceremonies. Uniforms will be issued to participants. Repeatable for credit one time.


MSCI 2110

MSCI 1210: Leadership/Personal Development

Semester Hours 1.0

Introduces students to the personal challenges and competencies critical for effective leadership. Students learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management relate to civilian and military leadership professions. Students will utilize the Basler Challenge Course and receive basic marksmanship training.

MSCI 1220: Introduction to Tactical Leadership

Semester Hours 1.0

A study of leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills that relate to civilian and military leadership professions. Students will utilize the Basler Challenge Course and receieve basic markenmanship training.


MSCI 1210 or approval of Professor of Military Science.

MSCI 2110: Innovative Team Leadership

Semester Hours 2.0
Innovative team leadership of civilian and military traits and behavior theories. Students practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs. Case studies provide tangible context for learning the Soldier's Creed and Warrior Ethos as they apply in changing operating environments.

MSCI 2150: Military Skills I

Semester Hours 2.0
Examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in complex and changing operating environments. Course highlights the dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the leadership framework explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations. Students develop greater self-awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills.

MSCI 2580: Leadership Training Course

Semester Hours 6.0
This option is available only for students who did not qualify for the Advanced Phase by completing four Basic Phase courses during their freshman and sophomore years. The Basic Camp, conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky is a five (5) week leadership development course where students are placed in an intensive training environment where they live, work, and learn in a cooperative group under 24-hour-a-day leadership instruction and receive detailed appraisal of their displayed leadership performance.


Approval of Professor of Military Science.

MSCI 3110: Adaptive Tactical Leadership

Semester Hours 3.0
MSCI 3110 Adaptive Tactical Leadership Course continues to challenge students to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Students receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, students continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities.

MSCI 3120: Leadership in a Changing Environment

Semester Hours 3.0

Course utilizes increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build awareness and skills in leading tactical operations up to platoon level. Students will review aspects of combat, stability, and support operations; conduct military briefings to develop proficiency in giving operation orders; focus on exploring, evaluation, and developing skills in decision-marking, persuading, and motivating team members in changing operating environments.


MSCI 3110 or approval of Professor of Military Science.

MSCI 4110: Developing Adaptive Leaders

Semester Hours 3.0

Course develops student proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing performance feedback to subordinates as part of civilian and military leadership professions. Students assess risk, make ethical decisions, identify responsibilities of key staff, coordinate staff roles, and use situational opportunities to teach, train, and develop subordinates.


MSCI 3120 or approval of Professor of Military Science.

MSCI 4120: Leadership in a Complex World

Semester Hours 3.0

Course explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in changing operating environments. Students examine difference in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. Course also explores aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support.


MSCI 4110 or approval of Professor of Military Science.

MSCI 4580: Leadership Development and Assessment

Semester Hours 6.0

The Advanced Camp is a five (5) week leadership course conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Students will rotate through leadership positions, supervising their peers through both academic and tactical activities in both garrison and field environments. Students will be under leadership evaluation 24 hours a day for the duration of the course, will receive a detailed appraisal of their displayed leadership performance, and return to campus qualified to enter the 4000 level Military Science and Leadership courses.


MSCI 3110 and MSCI 3120.

MSCI 4582: Military History

Semester Hours 3.0
A historical perspective to decisions made by American military leaders from the colonial period through the current operating environment. Will explore the military's role in society, the evolution of war and the progression of military professionalism, the major wars fought by the United States Army, and the role of the United States military in joint operations and humanitarian operations.