

Deborah Spencer, Chair

Adam Henderson

Degrees and Certificates


ECON 152: Principles of Macroeconomics

Semester Hours 3.0

Historical answers to questions of society-wide problems including business cycle fluctuations, data collection, functions of money and related economic institutions. Emphasis on ability to understand media descriptions of economic phenomena. 

ECON 220X: Economic History of the U.S.

Semester Hours 3.0

Study of American political economy, emphasizing forces that have determined economic growth and development since 1607; social, political, and economic transformations in American life from 1607 to the present; structure and function of the U.S. market economy as compared with other economies.

ECON 460: Independent Study

Semester Hours 1.0 4

Supervised independent study in area of individual interest in economics.


Junior or senior status, departmental approval.

ECON 470: Internship I

Semester Hours 3.0 6

Work experience related to the student's major, jointly supervised by the department and a professional in the field. Although the usual internship will carry either three or six hours credit, a student may elect to arrange an internship carrying between two and six hours credit with the permission of the department. Each hour of credit will require forty hours at the internship site.


Junior or senior status, departmental approval.

ECON 471: Internship II

Semester Hours 2.0 6

Work experience related to the student's major, jointly supervised by the department and a professional in the field. Although the usual internship will carry either three or six hours credit, a student may elect to arrange an internship carrying between two and six hours credit with the permission of the department. Each hour of credit will require forty hours at the internship site.


Junior or senior status, departmental approval