General Policies

Civil Regulations

Students are expected to abide by federal, state, and local laws. In instances in which E&H students violate civil regulations, and the institution’s interest as an academic community is clearly involved, the College retains the right to take appropriate disciplinary action regardless of (or in addition to) prosecution by civil authorities. See Student Conduct Code for further amplification.

College Identification Cards 

Every student, upon registration, receives their College identification card. The E&H ID card serves many purposes. It can be used as your College identification; it can be used as a debit card on campus if you deposit funds into your student account; and, if you live in a building that has card access, it serves as your entrance card. It is required to borrow materials from the library and serves as an admission ticket to all intercollegiate athletic events, cultural programs, and other specified College sponsored activities. Boarding students must present the ID card for admission to the cafeteria serving area. The ID card is required for picking up refund checks in the Business Office. Intentional misrepresentation or misuse of the ID card is considered a violation of College policy. Failure to present the ID card when requested by a campus safety officer or other College official is a violation of College regulations. Replacement cost of an ID is $50.00; replacement cards are available in the Campus Police/ Safety Office, located in the Emory Train Depot on Oxford Avenue.

Damage to College Property

When a student is responsible for damage to College property, the cost of repair (including labor costs) must be paid to the Business Office to clear the student’s account. Damage to common areas of residence halls, not attributed to an individual or responsible group, will be divided among residents of the facility at the end of each semester. As a member of the community, students should report any damage or vandalism they observe to Campus Police/Safety or a Student Affairs and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging staff member.

Drones on Campus

The use of drones (also referred to as UAVs - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) on or above College property is only allowed with written permission from the Dean of Students Office.  Advanced permission may be requested; however, priority is given to the College’s Office of Public Relations.  Requests must include the date, time, and purpose of the use of the drone.  Anyone making this request must accept full responsibility for any damages and/or injuries that occur from the use of the drone, must show proof of insurance, and must agree to comply with all FAA regulations regarding the operation of drones (  As a general standard, drones are not allowed to fly over outside events or athletic and/or recreational activities, nor are they allowed to hover at residence hall windows.

Inclusive Language 

Emory & Henry College expects the members of its community to use inclusive language in all College publications, in the conduct of College business, in the classroom, and in all academic communications.

Lost and Found

The “lost and found” headquarters for the campus are in the Dean of Students Office, the front desk in Martin Brock Student Center, and the Campus Safety Office. 

Food Service Policies

College policy requires that all resident students participate in the College Meal Plan. Students with special dietary needs should consult the food service director, who will make every effort to satisfy specialized, individual diet requirements. Exemption from the policy will be considered only with the presentation of a well-documented physician’s report clearly indicating the illness and prescribed diet. This documentation must demonstrate that the student’s special diet cannot be met by our food service. The report must also clearly state that the physician recommends that the student be released from the prospect of availability of three nutritious and regularly scheduled meals per day. 

Boarding students who register for off-campus internships, whether part-time or full-time, are expected to continue on the College meal plan. If the hours of the internship cause that student to miss meals on a regular basis, they may consult with the Dean of Students and the food service director to arrange for carry-out meals or vouchers for use in The Hut. Students without an ID will need to pay at the door or obtain their ID card in order to access the cafeteria. Admission to the cafeteria is by College ID or meal payment at the door. Non-resident students may purchase the Commuter Meal Plan or E&H GET Funds. Both non-resident and boarding students may add to the account in increments of $25. Sick trays are available and can be requested. The general manager may prohibit uncooperative students from using the cafeteria and will refer them to the Dean of Students Office. Anyone with questions about the meal plan can contact the general manager or the Dean of Students Office in Wiley 125.


The student account statement for each semester will be based on the pre-registered courses selected, the meal plan chosen, the dorm room assigned, and other miscellaneous items, such as having an automobile on campus.  Balances may change during the Preliminary Billing Period.  It is important to review your bill often for any changes.   All billing statements must be viewed online. Students (and others, if proxy permission is granted by the student) may view their student account at at any time utilizing their assigned ID and password. All students are responsible for maintaining their student account online to ensure that the accounts stay up-to-date at all times.

Payment for the fall term is due in full by August 1, 2022 unless the student has signed up for a 4-month or 5-month payment plan.  Payment for the spring term is due in full by January 3, 2023 unless a payment plan is selected. Payments may be made online through or by mail.  Emory & Henry College will drop classes if payment arrangements are not completed satisfactorily by August 1, 2022 and January 3, 2023, respectively. If enrollment in the payment plan is completed and payments are returned for any reason, and the amount due is not paid within 30 days of the due date, classes will be dropped, enrollment in the payment plan will be terminated, and any remaining balance due on the student account will be due in full to Emory & Henry College immediately.

Any student whose account is not current will be ineligible to participate in preregistration or room draw. Any student whose account is not fully settled by the conclusion of a semester will be ineligible to obtain (or maintain, if pre registered) a class schedule for the subsequent semester. A transcript and/or diploma will not be issued to any student whose account is not settled. Also, any senior student whose account is not settled may be prohibited from participating in commencement activities. Should a period of 90 days pass without any activity on an account with an unpaid balance, then the college may refer the account to a collection agency. If an account is turned over to a Collection Agency, the student will be responsible for the fees of any collection agency and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, the college incurs in such collection efforts. A delinquent account may be reported to major credit bureaus for nonpayment. Failure to comply with the payment obligation will result in the application of a FINANCE CHARGE to the unpaid account balance. The FINANCE CHARGE will be applied at the monthly periodic rate of 1% (ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 12%).

Refunds in the Event of Withdrawal from the College

The college operates on an annual budget that necessitates advance planning and financial commitments to teaching staff and others whose services are essential to its operation. For this reason, no semester charges are removed for those persons who are dismissed from the college for disciplinary reasons. Likewise, students who withdraw from the college, even for illness or other emergencies, receive no refunds of room rent or other fees. Adjustments for tuition and board are pro-rated as indicated below. The date of withdrawal used to compute a student’s balance is the date on which the Dean of Students signs the official college withdrawal form. The student who leaves school at one date and waits to withdraw officially at a later date receives appropriate adjustments based on the date of official withdrawal. For an explanation of the procedures for official withdrawal, consult the catalog section on Academic Policies.

Student Account Adjustments for College Withdrawals During the Regular Academic Year

Before the first class                                                     100% (less advance deposits)

Before end of first week of class                           90% adjustment to tuition and meals

Before end of second week of class                         75% adjustment to tuition and meals            

Before end of third week of class                          50% adjustment to tuition and meals

Before end of fourth week of class                           25% adjustment to tuition and meals

No adjustments are made to tuition or meals after the fourth week of class.

During Summer Sessions

During the first week of session                                          75% adjustment to tuition

No adjustment to tuition after first week of summer session

Financial Aid Adjustments

Federal regulations require financial aid funds to be awarded under the assumption that a student will attend the institution for the entire period in which federal assistance was awarded. When a student withdraws from all courses for any reason, including medical withdrawals, he/she may no longer be eligible for the full amount of funds that he/she was originally scheduled to receive. The return of federal funds is based upon the premise that students earn their financial aid in proportion to the amount of time in which they are enrolled. A prorated schedule is used to determine the amount of federal student aid funds he/she will have earned at the time of the withdrawal. Thus, a student who withdraws in the second week of class has earned less of his/her financial aid than a student who withdraws in the seventh week. Once 60 percent of the semester is completed, a student is considered to have earned all of his/her financial aid and will not be required to return any funds to the federal government. Federal law requires schools to calculate how much federal financial aid a student has earned if that student completely withdraws OR stops attending before completing the semester. Therefore, return of federal funds may result in a balance due to the college. In such case, the entire balance is due to the college immediately.

Refunds in the Event of Withdrawal from a Class

The schedule of refunds for withdrawal from a class is different from the above. No adjustments are granted for a course dropped later than seven calendar days after registration day. For full details on the procedures to be completed for official withdrawals, see the catalog section on Academic Policies. Note that the timetable for withdrawal from class without academic penalty is different from the timetable for withdrawal accompanied by refund.

Refunds of Excess Financial Aid

Students receiving financial aid funds, including student and/or parent loans, are entitled to a refund of any excess funds remaining after all current charges, in accordance with federal regulations, have been paid in full. Please note that financial aid may be subject to change before refund calculation if a student is not enrolled full time at the end of the registration drop/add period. Refunds will not be made from any funds that have not been credited to the student’s account in the Business Office.. A refund will automatically be issued for an account with a credit balance unless the student (or parent for a PLUS loan) signs an Account Authorization Form which authorizes the college to hold the funds in excess of current charges on the student’s account, or refund only the credit balance after bookstore and other authorized charges are deducted. Any student whose refund is the result of a parent PLUS Loan must have that parent authorize in writing if the refund goes to the student rather than to the parent(s). Refunds will be generated within fourteen days after financial aid is transferred to the student’s account.

Photography/Videography Publication Policy

Upon their physical appearance at Emory & Henry campuses and events, visitors as well as students and employees of the College agree to release the rights for photography and videography of their image to be used by Emory & Henry College for the purpose of promotion of the College.

Posting Signs and Flyers on Campus

Bulletin boards are provided in appropriate places so that all campus groups may have an opportunity to post announcements. Fire and safety regulations prohibit the posting of signs on doors or adjacent to any entrance or exit.  The Office of Housing & Residence Life and the Office of Student Activities provide official methods of distributing marketing materials for College entities including student organizations and Student Affairs Departments. Those who want marketing posted in the residence halls may visit the Office of Housing & Residence Life and provide 35 copies at most. These flyers will be posted by Housing & Residence Life staff. Those who want flyers posted in Martin-Brock Hall may provide 10 copies at most to the front desk in Martin-Brock Hall. These flyers will be posted by Martin-Brock staff throughout the building. All posters will be dated and then removed by the day following the event advertised.

All marketing materials must have:

  1. Name of the event(s) being marketed
  2. Sponsor(s) of the event(s)
  3. Date, time, and location of event(s)
  4. Contact information of an individual that can answer questions for potential attendants

Links relevant to the event (if applicable). Examples include registration links or surveys to take prior to the event.

Recording on Campus

Students are expected to respect the reasonable expectations of privacy of other individuals within the College community. Accordingly, students are not permitted to make or attempt to make an audio or video recording of private, non-public conversations and/or meetings on College premises, without the knowledge and consent of all participants subject to such recordings. In such circumstances the uses of undisclosed hidden recording devices is prohibited, as is the transmission and/or distribution of any such recordings. This provision does not extend to the recording of public events or discussions, or to recordings made for law enforcement purposes. Audio recording lectures is permissible as an approved accommodation for a person with a documented disability.

Scheduling Activities & Social Functions

Planning and scheduling of activities and social functions should be planned well in advance. Proposed social functions must be approved by the Director of Student Activities and properly scheduled on the official College calendar. The following steps are necessary in scheduling functions: 

  1. Select a tentative date on the campus calendar in the Office of Student Activities. 
  2. Confirm availability of facilities being used. 
  3. Confirm calendar date with the Director of Student Activities. 
  4. Plan accordingly with advisor(s): set-up, security, and other event needs. 
  5. Make arrangements for clean-up and follow-up required after the event. 

Scheduling Events on the College Calendar

Please refer to the “Scheduling Activities & Social Functions” for steps in scheduling events. As stated above, proposed social functions must be approved by the Director of Student Activities and properly scheduled on the official College calendar. Activities are divided into the following categories and placed on the calendar accordingly:

  1. College-wide activities, during which no other meetings will be scheduled. These include: College-wide convocations, Sunday worship services, designated Lyceum events, major Emory Activities Board events, and special annual or biennial events such as the Literary Festival, and the Bays Blackwell, Staley, Reynolds and Leidig Lectures. 
  2. Limited groups, during which other activities may be scheduled. These include: fraternity and sorority meetings or functions, club meetings, intramurals, entertainment, movies, and off-campus or repeat Lyceum events. 
  3. Multiple-sequence events, during which other activities may be scheduled. These include plays, films and art exhibits.
  4. The Dean of Students has the power of decision in cases of conflict of interest or for categorization of activities not specifically listed above. The faculty has agreed to avoid scheduling academic events during College-wide activities. No student conduct hearings, social or athletic events are to be scheduled during review day or final exam week. 

Selling or Soliciting

Residence hall rooms may not be used for business purposes of any nature. Unauthorized selling, collecting of money, and promotion on campus or within any college building is not permitted. Students may not act as agents for business firms that entail solicitations or the receiving of business offers or goods on college property. Any College organization engaged in a money-making project on campus must clear the project with the VP of Student Affairs and Dean of Students. College organizations soliciting funds or advertisements from persons or businesses off campus may do so only with approval from the Office of Institutional Advancement.

No person or group may sell on College property without displaying a letter of permission from the Dean of Students. Door-to-door soliciting or selling in the residence halls is prohibited. If such activity is observed, please contact a staff member as soon as possible.

Service and Emotional Support Animals:  On Campus Guidelines

Service Animal

A service animal is defined as any dog that is individually trained to do work, provide assistance, or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Trained dogs are the only species of animal that may qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). There is a separate provision regarding miniature horses. Examples of tasks performed by service animals might include: guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, alerting or protecting a person who is having a seizure, providing non-violent protection or rescue work, retrieving items such as medicine or a telephone, preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors of persons with psychiatric or neurological disabilities, preventing or diminishing the impact of an anxiety attack for someone with PTSD, or performing other duties which are directly related to the owner’s disability. A dog which has been trained to perform such tasks related to its owner’s disability meets the definition of service animal, regardless of any certification or documentation of training or lack of such certification. The crime deterrent effects of an animal’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of this definition.

Emotional Support Animal

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is defined as an animal with a primary role of providing emotional comfort to a person with a mental or psychiatric disability as prescribed by a licensed health care or mental health professional as part of the treatment process. ESAs are not the same as service animals in that they are not individually trained to do work or to perform specific tasks; nor are ESAs allowed in college facilities outside of the assigned private residence. Emory & Henry allows students to utilize an ESA in on-campus housing in accordance with the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) when an ESA is necessary for the individual to have full benefit, enjoyment, and use of the college-owned residential facility. ESAs may also be referred to assistance animals, companion animals, or therapy animals. They are usually dogs or cats, but may be any animal that is considered reasonable

Expectations, Rights, and Responsibilities Related to the Use of Animals on Campus:

Care and Supervision

  1. The animal will be the full responsibility of the individual with a disability, and the owner must be consistently in control of the animal.  If the animal is not under control or poses a risk to the health or safety of others, then the individual may be asked to remove the animal from campus.
  2. Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices.  In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.  Exceptions may be granted in an emergency situation when the animal is in the owner’s private residence, when the animal needs to perform a task requiring it to travel beyond the length of the restraint, or when the owner is unable to retain an animal on a leash due to a disability.
  3. The owner is responsible for removing or arranging for the removal of the animal’s waste.  This will result in placing the waste in a closed container and then removing the container to an outdoor trash bin.  Owners who live in College housing may need to designate an individual to help with cleanup.
  4. Individuals may be responsible for any damage that is caused by their animals.


According to Virginia law, any animal that has reached a proper level of maturity must be licensed and must display a license on its collar at all times.


Animals on campus must have an annual clean bill of health (including vaccinations and immunity shots against rabies and/or other diseases common to the type of animal) that is signed by a licensed veterinarian and a copy must be submitted to the Director of Housing.  A valid vaccination tag must be worn by the animal at all times.  Owners need to make sure that the animal is kept as clean as possible.  Regular bathing/grooming and pest control measures also need to be performed and are the responsibility of the owner.

Smoking on Campus

The smoking policy on the main campus located in Emory restricts smoking to certain areas for the purpose of health and fire safety.  There is to be no smoking in any campus building or outside of campus buildings except in designated smoking areas located at least 25 feet from all entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows. This includes tobacco products and electronic smoking devices.  Everyone is asked to please use the containers that are provided outside of buildings for the disposal of cigarette butts.

The School of Health Sciences, located in Marion, is a tobacco-free campus.  This policy supports a healthy environment for all members of our college community.  This means that all types of tobacco products are prohibited in all college buildings and on all college-owned properties, including parking lots and all outside areas.  This policy is intended to encourage improved health by eliminating the use of tobacco products given the mission of this campus.  It is not intended to send tobacco use from our campus to neighboring areas. 

Student Complaint Policy

If a student has a complaint, it is recommended that they first contact the office directly involved regarding the issue and seek resolution. The staff or faculty member may ask for additional information and may schedule an appointment to address the concern. If the student does not feel comfortable directly contacting the staff or faculty member connected to the complaint, the student can speak with the supervisor of that area.

If resolution with the office is not possible, the student should submit a formal written and signed complaint to the Director of Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator.

The formal complaint should include: 

  • The actual complaint stated as specifically as possible, and
  • The desired outcome.

The Student Complaint Form can be found in the Human Resources Office.

Each student has the right to seek a remedy to a dispute or disagreement. Specific policies and procedures are outlined in the Academic Catalog and the Student Handbook pertaining to appeals for grades, parking tickets, student conduct cases and student records. In these cases, published policies and procedures are applied. In issues that are not covered by these policies and procedures, students have a right to file a complaint and request resolution.

The Dean of the area of concern or their designee will be assigned to address the complaint in a timely manner and to the best of their ability. Appropriate actions will be taken to resolve the issue for the student and to improve services in the future. If the problem is not resolved, the complainant may request a meeting with the President of the College. This policy does not apply to academic grade disputes, Title IX issues, or other published policies and procedures.

In the event that a student has a concern that they would like to express anonymously, the College participates in a service called the Campus Conduct Hotline at (866) 943-5787. The Campus Conduct Hotline system is available for use around the clock, seven days a week. Because the Hotline is operated by an independent organization, any calls made through this Hotline are completely confidential. The Hotline operator will record the complaint or concern and forward it to the appropriate staff member at the College for review and action as appropriate. Callers to the Hotline may remain anonymous.

Tailgating Policy

Tailgating here is defined as parking in a designated location/area and consuming food and beverages prior to and immediately following a home football game. The parking area across from the King Center and the East Parking Lots, located behind the stadium (reserved only) are designated as tailgate areas and are licensed for alcohol consumption for those who are of legal age. On Homecoming day, there is also a lot sanctioned for alcohol next to the duck pond. There is also a parking lot designated for tailgating where alcohol is not permitted. Tailgate lots will open at 10 am and close 1 hour after the end of the game. On Homecoming day, the lots will open at 9 am.

Emory & Henry regulations and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia regarding drug and alcohol consumption will be strictly enforced. College policy and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia prohibit public intoxication. Policies and laws also prohibit possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by anyone under 21 years of age. Hosts who furnish alcohol to underage individuals may be subject to criminal prosecution and personal civil liability exposure. Anyone found consuming or possessing alcohol younger than 21 years of age is subject to arrest and to charges of underage consumption or possession. Driver’s licenses will be checked in order to gain access to these tailgate areas. Those under 21 must be accompanied by a parent in order to access the King Center and Reserved Tailgating areas.

Careful use of small propane grills is allowed. No gas powered generators are allowed. All beverages must be in a can, plastic bottle, or plastic cup. Glass is not permitted. All alcoholic beverages must remain in coolers or closed containers and not out in the open. Kegs will not be permitted. Only portable stereo units are permitted.

Waste food items and trash must be disposed of in appropriate containers that are provided throughout the grounds. If trash is left by individuals using the tailgate area, tailgating privileges can be rescinded for the remainder of the season and subsequent privileges will be reviewed after the season. Groups who tailgate must follow the following risk management policies enforced by College staff; provide food for their group, provide plenty of non-alcoholic beverages, clean up assigned area, be sure at least one member of the group does not consume alcohol, and educate members about tailgating policies. By entering the tailgate area, individuals agree to abide by these regulations.

Gas generators are not allowed in any tailgating area.

The College reserves the right to modify tailgating rules at any time to secure the safety and effective administration of the event. Please note that there will be an increased number of police/safety officers available due to the procurement of a Virginia ABC license for each event.