
Emory & Henry offers internships and other types of cooperative work experience programs to assist students in obtaining on-the-job training and an opportunity for career exploration. Administrated by Career Services in the van Vlissingen Center, the internship program is open to students who have completed at least 57 credit hours and have at least a 2.0 GPA overall. These students also must meet the prerequisites for the department that will award the internship credit. To be considered for an internship, the student must seek approval from his or her academic department and then attend a mandatory Internship Orientation Session during the semester before the intended internship semester to obtain the required documentation for registering their internship with the College. Enrollment will be approved subject to the availability of a faculty member who can provide close supervision of the internship experience, and the availability of an internship for which the student is well-suited, in the judgment of the supervising faculty member.


Internships are designated by departmental courses numbered 470 (first-time internship) and 471 (subsequent internships). Although the usual internship will carry either three or six semester hours of credit, a student may elect to arrange an internship carrying between two and six hours credit with the permission of the major department. Each hour of credit will require forty hours at the internship site. Students who participate in the internship program are encouraged to meet the following objectives: application of knowledge related to the primary academic field, acquisition of skills both general and specific, reinforcement of values, career exploration, and strengthened self­ confidence. 


Among possible sites are the U.S. Congress, corporations, financial institutions, small and large businesses, hospitals, mental health centers, law firms, theaters, schools, and government agencies. Most interns do not receive compensation. Details on the program may be obtained from Career Services or from faculty members in participating departments.