Liberal Arts Core Requirements

Liberal Arts Core

CORE 100: Self (Year 1): In the first-semester CORE experience, students develop a foundation for critical and humane inquiry, consider the application of skills in academic and professional settings, and learn how to take responsibility for their learning. Each seminar focuses on one topic, idea, problem, or concept to introduce a liberal arts education. Students explore such questions as: 'Who am I, and what is my responsibility to myself?' 'Where do I find reliable information as a student and citizen?' 'What do I need to be successful in college and beyond?' As the first experience, students complete a collaborative project to be presented at the Library Showcase event at the end of each Fall semester. Three semester hours.

CORE 200: Society (Year 2): In the middle CORE experience, students engage with questions of difference, diversity, and their responsibilities to and within local and national communities. Through the critical exploration of cultural and material structures of power, ethical considerations, and the related concepts of egalitarianism, multiculturalism, and sustainability, students consider their role in caring for their immediate human and natural environments by addressing such questions as: 'What is my responsibility to those around me, and how do I seek out ways to create a more equitable and sustainable society?' 'How do I engage with diverse perspectives, distinguish between publication types and their usage, and understand my own relationship to power?' 'What are my own successes and failures to this point, and how do I learn from them to succeed in my final two years of college?' Sophomore status required. Three semester hours.

CORE 300: World (Year 3): In the final CORE experience, students contemplate their responsibility to themselves and others as part of the global community. Through in-depth study of international and transnational institutions, policies, cultural practices, and ethical considerations, students study contemporary and historical moments of global interconnectedness from interdisciplinary perspectives. Through engagement with, and in some cases the practice of, global citizenship, students reconsider their role in caring for others and the natural environment, addressing such questions as: 'What is my responsibility to those whom I may never meet?' 'What are scholarly sources of information about the world and what issues of information sharing do we face?' 'How has my liberal arts education prepared me for my final year of college and beyond?' Junior status required. Three semester hours. 

Global Citizenship. Each student will engage in a Study Abroad experience or take a second CORE 300 course. 

Care and Cultural Competency

Students choose from lists of appropriate classes, as applicable, with the goal of developing care for themselves and for others around them by focusing on cultural and global awareness.

Lifetime Wellness The wellness requirement totals two semester hours. One hour is a Lifetime Wellness course designed to be taken during the student's first year. The course is designed to promote an understanding of wellness and related behavior that contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Students also complete two different half-hour activity courses. Accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities.

Written Communication Students meet this requirement by receiving a grade of C- or better in English 101. Unless exempted on the basis of high SAT or ACT verbal scores, or unless entering Emory & Henry with AP or transfer credit, all students are required to take English 100 and/or English 101 during the first year. Students enrolled in English 100 must earn at least a C- in English 100 in order to take English 101. Similarly, students who obtain lower than a C- in English 101 must retake it and obtain at least a C- to meet the college writing requirement. Students exempted from both English 100 and English 101 must complete an advanced writing course chosen from the following: English 200, 203, 230, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 321, 322, 323, or 326. Some departments may also require an advanced writing course as a graduation requirement.

Students who exhibit weaknesses in college-level writing skills in any course after the completion of English 101 may be required to complete English 199 in order to graduate. Any faculty member may make a formal referral to English 199. A student officially referred to English 199 must enroll in and pass the course in order to graduate.

World Language Students meet this requirement in any one of several ways. They may (a) complete two sequential foreign language courses at the 100 level (6 to 8 semester hours), or (b) demonstrate competency through the 102 level by appropriate performance on a world language proficiency exam and oral interview with Foreign Languages faculty, or (c) fulfill the requirement during a Study Abroad experience, or (d) substitute a native language other than English, or (e) complete two sequential American Sign Language (ASL) courses. Departments may require additional hours beyond the minimum.

Students with documented disabilities of a severe language-based nature may request pre-approved course substitutions to meet the Core Curriculum foreign language proficiency requirement. Course substitutions approved for this purpose will also serve to meet the foreign language requirements of a major for which no more than eight credit hours of any foreign language are required. Students must initiate such a request in time to receive a decision prior to the end of their sophomore year, or in the case of a transfer student, within the first semester at the college. The request for substitution must be approved prior to any coursework that will count as substitution. Attempting a foreign language will not preclude a student from successfully requesting a foreign language substitution. Students must be registered with Student Accessibility Support Services in the Paul Adrian Powell III Student Success Center before initiating a substitution request. Procedures for registering with Student Accessibility Support Services and for requesting world language substitutions are available in the Paul Adrian Powell III Student Success Center. Students interested in these procedures begin by making an appointment with the Accessibility Coordinator.

Think, Understand, and Create

Students choose from lists of appropriate classes, as applicable, to develop skills in analytical thinking, evaluation of information, methods of research, educational perspectives and avenues of communication from a wide range of disciplines.

Mathematics The mathematics requirement enables students to develop skills that will assist them in college courses and in vocational preparation. This requirement is met by completion of mathematics courses specified by each department for a major.

Natural Sciences with Laboratory One class chosen from list of approved courses in the Natural Sciences. 

Social Sciences One class chosen from list of approved courses in the Social Sciences. 

Humanities One class chosen from list of approved courses in the Humanities. 

Creative Arts One class chosen from list of approved courses in the Creative Arts. 

Religion  Each student completes a religion course at the 100 (101, 111, 130, 131, 132), 200 (200, 213), or 300 level to explore roots, teaching, and contemporary understandings of a variety of religious benefits and practices, including the importance of religion in a global context.  Courses cannot simultaneously meet the religion requirement and another CORE curriculum requirement (e.g. the Humanities requirement or CORE 200 or 300).

Capstone Experience

The fourth-year Capstone ties together the skills, methods, and knowledge learned through the three CORE experiences, electives, and classes in the major. It provides an opportunity for professional practice within a student's major field, and a chance for students to share their knowledge with the wider community. Capstone experiences also engage students with ethical considerations and best practices for the profession. They ask students to reflect on (1) what they want to contribute to their field and the world, and (2) how their liberal arts education prepared them for success. 

The nature of the Capstone experience varies by discipline and is defined by the student's home department. The Capstone provides a scholarly and/or professional experience in the major. As the second "bookend" experience, students create a final product and/or share their knowledge with the wider community. Such experiences could include:

A senior seminar, undergraduate research project, final artistic creation/performance/show, civic engagement project, student teaching, and internship among other options.

There is some flexibility on what constitutes an internship with some common standards; some internships could be on campus (HHP interns with the athletic department, for instance) and some could be during the summer.


*Note: Lists of classes for CORE 100, CORE 200, CORE 300, Religion, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Creative Arts requirements to be developed by work groups (CORE) and departments. 

CORE 200 Society

  • CORE 200 Society: AI, Robots, and Cyborgs
  • CORE 200 Society: Art in Social Change
  • CORE 200 Society: Frederick Douglass
  • CORE 200 Society: Jazz Age
  • CORE 200 Society: Women, Music, and Culture
  • CORE 200 Society: What is a Healthy Society?
  • CVIN 210 Questions of Place and Diversity
  • ENGL 232 Introduction to Short Fiction
  • HHP 201 Women, Sport, and Culture
  • MCOM 250 Women and Media
  • NURS 201 Cultural Concepts in Healthcare
  • PHIL 210 Plato's Republic
  • PJST 200 Nonviolence and Conflict Resolution
  • PSYC 220 Child Development
  • PSYC 231 Lifespan Development
  • RELG201 Religious Individual Change
  • RELG 356 Women and Christianity
  • SOCI 250 Food and Justice

CORE 300 World

  • CORE 300 World: Animal Ethics
  • CORE 300 World: Christians and Social Justice
  • CORE 300 World: Crime in Latin America
  • CORE 300 World: Education and Sport in a Global Society
  • CORE 300 World: Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands
  • CORE 300: World: Cuba/Media/Conflict
  • ART 322 Italian Art (Required trip.)
  • BIOL340 Tropical Biology (Required trip.)
  • BUAD 320 Issues in International Management
  • CVIN 250 Appalachia
  • ECON 322 International Trade
  • GEOG 322 Environmental Policy
  • GEOG 345 Geography of the Middle East
  • HIST 305 Approaching Global History
  • HIST 379 Iran and the West
  • NURS 206 Global Issues in Healthcare
  • NURS 207 Cultural Issues in Healthcare
  • PHIL 305 Asian Philosophies
  • POLS 105 Introduction to International Relations
  • POLS 225 Comparative Politics in the Middle East and North Africa
  • POLS 235 Comparative European Politics
  • POLS 255 Politics of Latin America
  • POLS 314 National and International Security
  • PSYC 318 Health Psychology
  • PSYC 340 Cross-Cultural Psychology (Required trip.)
  • RELG 212 Asian Religions
  • RELG 314 Islam
  • SOCI 221 Cultures and Peoples
  • SOCI 260 Studies in Culture
  • THRE 306 Movement in Global Perspectives

Emory Abroad Courses

  • ART 322 Italian Art
  • BIOL 340 Tropical Biology
  • PSYC 340 Cross-Cultural Psychology
  • CORE 240 Directed Study Abroad:
    • Cross-Cultural Christian Mission (Various Locations)
    • Cross-Cultural Psychology/Social Psychology of the Holocaust (Czech Republic and Poland)
    • Cuban Culture and Identity Documentary Film Experience (Cuba)
    • Environment & Sustainability (Belize)
    • International Perspectives on Student Leadership - Habitat for Humanity (Various Locations)
    • Italian Art (Italy)
    • Language and Culture in the Southern Cone (Argentina)
    • Sociology of Culture (Sweden and Netherlands)
    • Spanish Language & Culture (Spain, Peru, or Cuba)
    • The Emory Odyssey (Greece)
    • Theatre and Culture in London - Renaissance to Modernity (England)
    • Tropical Biology (Panama)

Creative Arts (One course of three semester hours, or two courses in dance technique, music ensemble or lesson participation)

  • ART 111 Introduction to Art and Design
  • ART 112 Three-Dimensional Design
  • ART 151 Drawing
  • ART 205 Photography I
  • ART 206 Digital Photography
  • ART 210 Visual Arts Computing
  • ART 215 Web Design
  • ART 231 Ceramics
  • ART 241 Crafts I   
  • ENGL 322 Writing Poetry
  • ENGL 323 Writing Prose Fiction
  • ENGL 326 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
  • ENGL 328 Nature Writing
  • MCOM 204 Beginning Publication Design
  • MUSP 100, 109, 117 Beginning Voice, Piano, Guitar, respectively
  • MUSP 101 Bass Methods
  • MUSP 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218 Intermediate Piano, Organ, Guitar, Bass, Woodwinds, Voice, Strings, Percussion, respectively
  • MUSP 225 Festival Choir
  • MUSP 230 Concert Choir
  • MUSP 232 Marching Band
  • MUSP 234, 237, 238, 239 Guitar, Brass, Trumpet, woodwind Ensembles, respectively
  • MUSP 235 Pep Band/Wind Ensemble
  • MUSP 236 Brass Quintet
  • MUSP 240 Opera Workshop
  • MUSP 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416 Advanced Piano, Organ, Guitar, Brass, Woodwinds Voice, respectively
  • THRE 100 Introduction to Theatre
  • THRE 105 Introduction to Acting
  • THRE 109 Introduction to Dance Artistry
  • THRE 204 Stage Lighting
  • THRE 207 Costume Construction 
  • THRE 210 Fundamentals of Theatrical Design
  • THRE 216 or 416 Ballet I, III
  • THRE 217, 317, and 417 Jazz I, II, III
  • THRE 218, 318, and 418 Tap I, II, III
  • THRE 219, 319, and 419 Musical Theatre Styles I, II, III
  • THRE 316 Applied Theatre


  • ART 221 History of Western Art I
  • ART 222 History of Western Art II
  • ART 322 Italian Art
  • ENGL 200 Reading and Writing About Literature
  • ENGL 203 World Literature
  • ENGL 231 Introduction to Poetry
  • ENGL 232 Introduction to Fiction
  • ENGL 233 Introduction to Drama
  • ENGL 234 Introduction to Film
  • ENGL 245 Introduction to African American Literature
  • ENGL 250 Major British Writers I
  • ENGL 251 Major British Writers II
  • ENGL 252 Major British Writers III
  • ENGL 255 Major U.S. Writers I
  • ENGL 256 Major U.S. Writers II
  • ENGL 317 Literature for Children and Young Adults
  • ENGL 362 Studies in Major Authors
  • ENGL 364 Studies in Literary Traditions
  • NURS 300 Nursing Ethics
  • PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
  • PHIL 201 Ethics
  • PHIL 211 History of Ancient and medieval Philosophy
  • PHIL 212 History of Modern Philosophy
  • PHIL 220 Philosophy of Sport
  • PHIL 305 Asian Philosophies
  • PHIL 341 Contemporary Problems of Justice
  • RELG 201 Religious Individual Changes
  • RELG 212 Asian Religions
  • RELG 261 The Christian Faith in Literature
  • RELG 314 Islam
  • THRE 320 Theatre History I 
  • THRE 321 Theatre History II
  • THRE 322 American Theatre
  • THRE 336 Musical Theatre History

Natural Sciences with Laboratory

  • ANSC 100 Introduction to Animal Science
  • BIOL 105 Introduction to College Biology
  • BIOL 120 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BIOL 121 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • BIOL 123 Biological Anthropology
  • CHEM 111 General Chemistry I
  • ENVS 200 Environmental Monitoring
  • ESCI 111 Physical Geology
  • PHYS 100 Conceptual Physics
  • PHYS 101 Astronomy
  • PHYS 201 General Physics I
  • PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology as a Natural Science

Social Sciences

  • CVIN 100 Introduction to Civic Innovation
  • CVIN 200 Public Movements & Social & Cultural Change
  • CVIN 205 Building Collaboratives & Alliances for Innovation
  • CVIN 240 Research Methods for Innovation
  • CVIN 250 Appalachia
  • CVIN 255 Place, The Built Environment & Civic Innovation in NY
  • CVIN 300 Innovation Capacity and Community Development
  • CVIN 312 State & Local Politics and Public Policy
  • CVIN 345 Innovation Capacity and Community Development
  • ECON 151 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 152 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • GEOG 111 Human Geography
  • GEOG 333 Geography and Economic of Europe
  • HIST 105 World History to 1500 CE
  • HIST 110 Modern World History
  • HIST 111 American History to 1861
  • HIST 112 American History since 1861
  • HIST 122 Modern Europe
  • HIST 210 Archaeology and Prehistory
  • HIST 220 Economic History
  • HIST 232 Myth Magic Ritual Ancient World
  • MCOM 101 Mass Media and Society
  • MCOM 250 (WGST 250X) Women and Media
  • PJST 100 Introduction to Peace and Social Justice
  • POLS 103 Politics of the United States
  • POLS 105 Introduction to International Relations
  • POLS 215 Introduction to Comparative Politics
  • POLS 225 Comparative Politics in the Middle East and North Africa
  • POLS 235 Comparative European Politics
  • POLS 240 History of Philosophy
  • POLS 245 Comparative Politics of Asia
  • POLS 255 Politics of Latin America
  • PSYC 102 Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science
  • SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCI 102 Introduction to Inequality
  • WGST 200 Introduction to Women's Studies