CFOS 302: Intermediate Whitewater Paddling

Semester Hours 3.0

This course supports students with a significant interest in advancing skills and techniques in whitewater kayaking and rafting, preparing them for further experiences in guiding and leadership.  Participants will paddle class I, II, and III whitewater and engage in a variety of topics and skills instruction, including the history and key figures of whitewater paddling, river rescue, reading whitewater, river running skills, decision-making, group management, weather considerations, and driving and loading vehicles.  The course will be taught in a classroom/workshop setting, in the campus pool, and with excursions to local lakes and rivers. 

*This course is required for whitewater trip leaders. 


CFOS 200 with a grade of 'C' or better. 

Additional Requirements: Wilderness First Aid Certification or higher.