Student Records

Enrollment at the college constitutes student permission to distribute information to advisors and college offices when needed for academic advisement, for verification of academic standing, and for eligibility for honors, awards, scholarships, and participation in sports and activities. Emory & Henry provides for the confidentiality of student education records in accordance with the General Education Provisions Act, Title IV, Public Law 90--247 (or as amended) and under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as amended. An education record is defined as any and all student records maintained by the institution. Following is a partial list of records maintained in college offices and the officers responsible for each. A complete listing of all educational, directory, and other records is provided in the Student Handbook. 

Academic records and transcripts - Registrar 

Academic progress reports - Faculty advisors and Registrar 

Correspondence on judicial proceedings - Dean of Students 

Placement folders (must be compiled by student) - Director of Career Services 

Financial aid records - Director of Student Financial Planning

General financial records (including student accounts) - Vice President for Business and Finance

Current students needing to change their name, or update a permanent or mailing address, may do so by completing a Name/Address Change Form and submitting it to the Registrar's Office. The form can be picked up in the Registrar's Office. (Note: If submitting a name change, supporting documentation must be attached to the form, i.e., driver's license, passport, or social security card.)

The college shares students' personally identifiable information for relevant reasons with the following: American College Testing Program; College Sports Project; Colleges That Change Lives, Inc.; Council for Aid to Education; Council of Independent Colleges of Virginia; Educational Testing Service, Inc.; National Research Center for College and University Admissions; National Survey of Student Engagement; National Student Clearinghouse; State Council of Higher Education for Virginia; Noel-Levitz and Pharos Resources.