Information Technology Services

The campus is wired for voice, video, and data. Data drops are also available in each room in all student residence halls. Additionally, Emory & Henry has a campus-wide wireless network accessible in all populated parts of the campus.

There are about 200 public access computers in labs and other locations throughout the campus. Emory & Henry College provides Internet access for research purposes and an e-mail account for every student. Training in the use of e-mail, Internet access, and supported software applications is available from Information Technology Services. Computers are available in several locations on campus, with specialized software in various locations. Most computer labs are accessible when not utilized for classes. After hours computer lab access is available in the computer lab located in McGlothlin-Street Hall, room 233, during the fall and spring semesters. The Information Services Help Desk is located on the ground floor of Kelly Library. The telephone number for the Help Desk is 944-6881. The Help Desk can be emailed at